Thursday, January 20, 2011

Novel Blog

In "Night" there is a scene where the Jews are marching in the snow towards there new camp. This scene made me think of a similar scene in the movie "King Arthur" because they are marching away from a Saxon army. In the scene where they are marching there is a pile of dead people much which is how I in visioned the bodies in "Night" In the background they hear the drums of the Saxon army much like how the Jews and Germans could hear the cannons of the approaching Red Army. This scene also reminds me of a movie called "Pathfinder" where Karl Urban's character is leading a viking group on a snowy path. In "King Arthur" when Kiera Nighty's character sees the dead body there is a look on her face of sadness. The same look was on the face of Elizer as he marched on past the many dead bodies along the road.

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