Friday, January 21, 2011

Medieval Warfare

      War in medieval times was advancing in creativity. In medieval times warfare was a big part of the culture. Castles were main safe place for higher up people. Castles were also surrounding the settlement or city within. On castle walls guards and defense mechanisms would be easy to find. Guards often patrolled city's too and were harsh with civilians. Rome was a well advanced city in me devil times and its warfare and ways of war were advanced and unique. Siege warfare was also a big part of military forces, ladders, battering rams, siege towers and many kinds of siege towers were used when taking over a fortress. Many weapons were also used like blades, blunt weapons and ranged weapons were used. Armor was a big part too but was very bulky and hard to fight in and if they fell it would bee near impossible to get back up. One type of warfare that neither army could control was Famine and disease, it would wipe out entire army's. The advancement of Pikes showed a great defense against heavily armored cavalry. Naval warfare was used in the Mediterranean during the middle ages but was not really advanced, because gunpowder wasn't used till later the men on ships would have to use longbows, another advancement in the middle ages. Crossbows were a Major advancement, they allowed greater range and could give more of a punch. The blots were armour piercing. The only downside to crossbows was the reload, they would have to put the nose down and crank back the string then load the bolt, and those several seconds could be the difference between life or death.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Novel Blog

In "Night" there is a scene where the Jews are marching in the snow towards there new camp. This scene made me think of a similar scene in the movie "King Arthur" because they are marching away from a Saxon army. In the scene where they are marching there is a pile of dead people much which is how I in visioned the bodies in "Night" In the background they hear the drums of the Saxon army much like how the Jews and Germans could hear the cannons of the approaching Red Army. This scene also reminds me of a movie called "Pathfinder" where Karl Urban's character is leading a viking group on a snowy path. In "King Arthur" when Kiera Nighty's character sees the dead body there is a look on her face of sadness. The same look was on the face of Elizer as he marched on past the many dead bodies along the road.

3 eh?'s of awsome

         Eggers are one of the small great things in life, if there were no eggers I would have to prepare my own food. That would be a hassle and I would not enjoy my egger. They are so great that I get one almost every day! They are so tasty and they are cheap too, 10$ a week will feed me breakfast which is within my 3 hours of work a week budget. The receipt for eggers i beleive fell from heaven and was found by the lunch people and for that I am thankful.

         Computer mouses are one of lives awesome things. they ,are it so much easier to navigate on a computer. Have you ever used one of those little pads on a laptop? yeah i know, they are annoying and it takes much longer to move they arrow around on a page. For computer games that require fast mouse movements, a mouse is very helpful, i cannot use the pad on a laptop for playing computer games because it is much too slow. Mouses are also move able and the clicking buttons are conveniently located at the end of my finger tips. You can also get cool different mouses with designs and also different sizes. You cant Customize laptop mouse pads.

MacBeth Act I

Key points -
-Banquo tells Macbeth he must kill Duncan to be king
-Macbeth has a dream of a dagger floating above him
-Lady Macbeth convinces Macbeth to kill Duncan
-Macbeth kills Duncan
-Macbeth returns to lady Macbeth covered in blood
-Macbeth frames the guards for the killing
-Macbeth becomes king

        If I were to direct a Macbeth scene I would do a more modern version with nun chucks and other modern weapons but I would also have a good fight scene with swords in there too. I would make Macbeth chase a dagger in his dream and not just lay there. Macbeth wouldn't just stab Duncan in his sleep, they would have a duel and have Duncan fall down several flights of stairs. Even though Macbeth has a sword I would make him chop Duncan's throat to kill him. Finally Macbeth would have an epic scene of him washing his hands of Duncan's blood.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Blog comments

Joseph - Assasinate kim jong il instructional
Mitch G. - Rant on taco time
Spencer. N - 3 ways to drop someone

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Giant Flies Invade Norway

Today giant flies invaded Norway! the flies are 3 feet long and 2 feet tall they eat people with long hair and shrimp. these flies cannot fly but they can run like an injured Usain bolt. They cannot fly because there wings are too small to support their weight. Since they dint fly people have resorted to living on there rooftops. These flies are believed to of grown this big because a German doctor was experimenting on ants which really doesn't have anything to do with flies but that is the best guess. It is believed the flies are infected with some virus. This infection must die. A month after the flies 1st came a man named only 'ED' lead a rebellion against the flies and started axing them down! Ed die from an exploded bladder. His exploded bladder was put in a jar and put on a fireplace. A new leader came forth his name was... Mel Gibson and he was ready to fight. He put blue face paint on and killed many flies with his broad sword. Mel also hit and hurt many flies, Manley of the female gender...wink wink.  Mel Gibson screamed in pain as many flies bit him. I think that he shouldn't of wore his Braevheart wig because the flies are attracted to long hair. The flies didn't live long after Mel got there because hes such a Badass, but it wasn't only Mel Gibson who fought off the flies, Charlie Sheen was there too. They killed many flies and hit them alott too. After the flies were gone many Norwegian black metal bands changed there names in honor of the flies. "Dimmu Borgir" changed there name to "Flying Dipteraz". Diptera is the scientific name for flies. another famous band named "Gorgoroth" changed there name to "Dipteroth". And many new bands were formed in honor of the flies, Mel, Charlie and Ed. The most famous new band was named "Ed's Bladder Flies with Mel and the Sheeninites".

Monday, November 1, 2010

Moral Dilemma

I would save the painting because the painting has more meaning to more people then an old woman who may only have a few more years to live. She was recently widowed so she doesn't have much more to live for except for her daughters and grand children who probably wouldn't mind getting an inheritance. the Mona Lisa has alot of meaning because it is over 500 years old. The Mona Lisa would also be alot easier to carry out than an old lady. The old lady also has a better chance of getting out then a painting. If I were to save a famous painting I would probably get a big reward and the investigators would think that the old lady died because she was confused. For me alot of money would over come the feeling of remorse for the old lady. If I get alot of money I will move to Paris for the women and I will open a Taco Bell and K.F.C so I can have that when ever I want. This is why it would be beneficial for me to save the painting rather than the old lady.