Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Giant Flies Invade Norway

Today giant flies invaded Norway! the flies are 3 feet long and 2 feet tall they eat people with long hair and shrimp. these flies cannot fly but they can run like an injured Usain bolt. They cannot fly because there wings are too small to support their weight. Since they dint fly people have resorted to living on there rooftops. These flies are believed to of grown this big because a German doctor was experimenting on ants which really doesn't have anything to do with flies but that is the best guess. It is believed the flies are infected with some virus. This infection must die. A month after the flies 1st came a man named only 'ED' lead a rebellion against the flies and started axing them down! Ed die from an exploded bladder. His exploded bladder was put in a jar and put on a fireplace. A new leader came forth his name was... Mel Gibson and he was ready to fight. He put blue face paint on and killed many flies with his broad sword. Mel also hit and hurt many flies, Manley of the female gender...wink wink.  Mel Gibson screamed in pain as many flies bit him. I think that he shouldn't of wore his Braevheart wig because the flies are attracted to long hair. The flies didn't live long after Mel got there because hes such a Badass, but it wasn't only Mel Gibson who fought off the flies, Charlie Sheen was there too. They killed many flies and hit them alott too. After the flies were gone many Norwegian black metal bands changed there names in honor of the flies. "Dimmu Borgir" changed there name to "Flying Dipteraz". Diptera is the scientific name for flies. another famous band named "Gorgoroth" changed there name to "Dipteroth". And many new bands were formed in honor of the flies, Mel, Charlie and Ed. The most famous new band was named "Ed's Bladder Flies with Mel and the Sheeninites".

Monday, November 1, 2010

Moral Dilemma

I would save the painting because the painting has more meaning to more people then an old woman who may only have a few more years to live. She was recently widowed so she doesn't have much more to live for except for her daughters and grand children who probably wouldn't mind getting an inheritance. the Mona Lisa has alot of meaning because it is over 500 years old. The Mona Lisa would also be alot easier to carry out than an old lady. The old lady also has a better chance of getting out then a painting. If I were to save a famous painting I would probably get a big reward and the investigators would think that the old lady died because she was confused. For me alot of money would over come the feeling of remorse for the old lady. If I get alot of money I will move to Paris for the women and I will open a Taco Bell and K.F.C so I can have that when ever I want. This is why it would be beneficial for me to save the painting rather than the old lady.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

11- bloggggg

10 things I would like to accomplish in life. My number 10- Thing would be to be a trained to be a professional assassin, And not a government assassin, A black market assassin. 9- To own a deep fryer and Slurpee machine. 8- Eat a snake that i catch myself. 7- Be the reason the taco time franchise is shut down. 6- Move to Russia and train to be a stealthy spy. 5- Go to Europe and go to the Pagan fest metal festival. 4- See my favourite band Heathen Foray play live. 3- Survive 2012. 2-Get a real legit Sasquatch suit and make many videos with it. 1- Build a hobbit hole! 1- I want to build a Hobbit hole because it would be really cool and a good place to hide and camp. It will be a good place to store supplies for a zombie Apocalypse. The Hobbit hole will be a good base for my spy work after I'm back from Russia. The Hobbit hole will be used for many activities and i will hire people to dig it deeper and bigger so i can have parties in my Hobbit hole.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

How to Succesfully Defend 300 Against 1,000,000 - Instuctional

If you are going to successfully defend against an army over 3,000 times the size of yours, you will need to know a few things. First you must know that you will need good army formation and a good place were you can use the terrain that will benefit your army. A good Terrain to have is one that the opposing army cant flank you from the REAR! Mountains would be a good place to do this, or even cliffs with  a small opening so you can put all you defences in the front and not worry about defending your sides... or REAR! When in battle the commander must boost moral of his warriors by saying things like "this is were they die!" or "Take from them everything and give them nothing!" While under attack u must be sure to be alert and hold your ground, Because if you would lose your terrain all would be lost. Weapons and armour are a big part of battle. for a weapon a long spear is good for long range and a short sword is good for close contact. A good armour to use is Bronze armour very strong, not the lightest but the strongest. So remember the key to winning a battle that you are outnumbered at is Terrain, ranks, weapons and armour.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Top 3 fast food fine dining restaurants

My top 3 restaurants will be judged by the tastiness of there food. My top 3 restaurants will be McDonald's, Wendy's and of course Taco Bell. These restaurants have been chosen because they are the finest of the fine and are above all other fast food fine dining restaurants.

#3 Is McDonald's because of there exceptionally fast service and very tasty food. McDonald's is also one of the cheapest of the restaurants and because of that they are ranked at number 3.

#2 Is Wendy's because i like chicken and they make really good chicken. also there Baconator is so good it makes we wanna run up a mountain then back down then back to Wendy's for another Baconator.

And finally #1...Taco Bell. Taco Bell comes in at number one partially because it is usually close to a KFC and like i said i like me some fried chicken. Taco bell is one of the finest eating establishments i have ever been to. There tacos are superb and the hot sauce they use is exceptional. Because of this blog I'm going to make my mother take me to Taco Bell tonight and maybe get a bit of KFC to mix with my Taco Bell.

Assasination of Hitler

The day after Hitler had been almost assasinated by some of his senior officers I travel back in time with some intense Bowie knives. I stelth up into general Guderian's house on the day that he is to be appointed as cheif of the army, I stab him once in the eye twice in the throat and once in the ear. Once he is dead i take his clothes. With my bowie knives up my sleave I proceed to the meeting schedueled to take place at a German controlled airport were Guderian was to meet Hitler. When i am there i put on my best German accent then...Hitler... I see him and when we are done talking i say goodbye then just as im leaving i say "When I say goodbye...its forever... I then do a backflip towards hitler, throw my 2 bowie knives right at him then strangle the two guards with my bare hands. A voice comes over the intercom saying to kill Guderian, he is the one wearing the grey suit and the fake beard. After hearing this i remove the knives from hitlers barley alive body, tie him to a chair then duct tape a gun to his hand then put my fake beard on him. I hide behind a crate and when to guards enter the room and see Hitler who appears to be Gudarian and they shoot the hell out of him. I escape through a ventilation hatch steal a plane then fly to America where i also assasinate Mel Gibsons parents so he is never born and i become famous for staring in a movie and being a hero of the scottish people.